Welcome to Northwest Suburban Astronomers!

Our club is based in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. With a wide range of interests, experience, and equipment, our growing membership is making us one of the largest astronomy clubs in the midwest US. Here you can find out about our public meetings, star parties, and the benefits of becoming a member.

Join our Club, attend Events and Learn About the Universe!


Interested in astronomy, stargazing, or taking amazing night sky photos? Join the NSA Astronomy Club! Whether you are new to astronomy or have been involved for years, attending lectures, observation events, and star parties can significantly deepen your understanding of the field.

Members share tips and equipment advice to help you capture beautiful cosmic images.

Come join us to explore the universe—there's something for everyone!

What are you waiting for?

Is it Clear in the Northwest Suburbs?

Many astronomers use Astrospheric to check cloud cover and get weather updates for astronomy. We have Astrospheric embedded in our site. Take a look!

What is the current moon phase?

Upcoming Events and Meetings

All monthly meetings are PUBLIC! Feel free to join and see what we are all about!

About the Club & History

The Northwest Suburban Astronomers (NSA) club began in 1968 with Jack Kramer and neighbors meeting informally, officially established on June 5, 1971. In 1976, NSA merged with the Northwest Amateur Astronomy Club, growing to over 150 members. The club hosts monthly meetings, star parties, and summer camp-outs, and engages in public outreach. NSA won the 1989 Sky & Telescope Astronomy Day award and participates in the Night Sky Network and The Space Place to support NASA's missions. Membership benefits include newsletters, site access, trips, and discounts, fostering community spirit.